When will dividends be paid?
The dividend is SEK 700 per year per share. The dividend is paid monthly in arrears (1/12 per month). For example, if you buy 20 shares of SEK 10,000, you will receive a total of SEK 14,000 per year, which is paid sek 1,167 per month.
The dividend is automatically paid to the bank account you have specified. Payment is made no later than the 5th business day of each month. For example, if a deposit is made on January 25th, the first payment will be made in early March.
The tax on the dividend is currently 25% for Private individuals and 0% for Limited Liability Companies. (Note that Qred is not a tax consultant and may waive any liability regarding shareholder taxation). Qred does not contain any preliminary tax, but provides control data to the Swedish Tax Agency.