A blue sign reading "Open shop" hanging on a glass door to a shop

Business cards for shops and e-commerce

Get 1% cashback
Pay all your invoices with one card
The card is free of charge
Get the card!Get the card!

What can the card be used for?

Make your business purchases easier with Qred VISA. The credit card can be used anywhere. Whether you use it for purchases or to pay your bills, you'll always have the money you need. And the best part? It's all on one invoice that comes once a month.

Get a free offer

Order your Qred VISA here!

As an e-commerce or retail entrepreneur, you want to do everything you can to make sure your business runs as smoothly as possible, and a business card can help. Unfortunately, in the past it has been difficult for small business owners to get hold of a corporate card, as the traditional big banks are unwilling to take the risk. At Qred, we've changed that!

Quality of life for Swedish traders

Running a shop or e-commerce business is demanding and hard work. You have to manage marketing, customers, inventory, staff and more all at the same time. We know it's both time-consuming and stressful, which is why we want to do everything we can to offer a better quality of life, for all Swedish retailers. 

A wooden sign reading "Come in, we're open" hanging from a turquoise wooden house

What can I use an e-commerce or shop card for?

A company card can be used for all your company's purchases, whether they are made digitally or in real life. Here are some examples of what our other customers have used the credit card for. 

  • Stock
  • Rent
  • Electricity bill
  • Website
  • Invest in marketing to get more customers
  • Marketing on Google, Facebook and Twitter
  • Purchase of goods
  • Equipment & Software
  • Coffee 😉

Of course, it's up to you what you spend the money on. We trust you know best what your e-commerce or shop needs.

Why should I use Qred's credit card for e-commerce & retail?

Qred's credit card allows you to get a quick overview of your expenses and you save time in the administrative area, it makes everything easier simply. It also comes with several benefits!  

  • Collect purchases: you collect all your expenses on one invoice that arrives once a month. 
  • Multicard: you can use several cards and still collect everything on the same invoice.
  • Interest-free period: 45 interest-free days included.
  • Credit limit: a personal assessment (without UC) is made for all our customers. The maximum amount is SEK 2 000 000. 
  • No fees: we skip any annual fees, user fees or currency surcharges.
  • Bankgiro: you can use it with any Swedish bankgiro.

Some have suspicions and think it sounds a little too good to be true. That's actually not the case, what you see is what you get. Transparency is one of our core values! We have managed to develop a product that is good for us, while giving our customers the opportunity to access a credit card with reasonable terms. 

How do I pay with my credit card

It's easy! You can use it at card terminals like a regular bank card, or digitally. Our app is also available to get an overview and let you pay bills and invoices in 5 easy steps. 

  1. Log in to the app: safe, fast, secure login via mobile BankID.
  2. Press pay.
  3. Fill in the recipient's details: enter the amount, due date, bankgiro number and OCR number or message.  
  4. Sign: make sure everything looks OK and then sign with BankID.
  5. Sure! It only takes 1-2 banking days for the payment to be processed.

How to get a business card for e-commerce or shop?

We've made it easy for all e-merchants and shop owners to apply for a business card. The application takes just 1 minute, is free, non-binding and once everything is ready, you will receive the card within a few days. You'll find it at the top of the page.

Is there anything I can't use the company card for?

You cannot withdraw cash with the card and you can only make payments to companies that have a Swedish Bankgiro. 

Don't have the money to invest in your company? 

Do you want to buy new machines, tools or perhaps upgrade your premises? A business loan can help when you're short of cash. If you are interested, you can apply here. It's free, not tied up and1 minute. If everything looks good, you can have the money in your account the same day. 

If you need both a business loan and a business card, you can of course combine them. It gives you a good overview of all your expenses in one place in the app or via your login on MyQred.  

Contact us

Get in touch and let us know how we can help you and your business!
08:00 - 17:30 (Mon-Fri)
020-150 333

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Less than 1 minute

Estimated response time:
Less than 24 hours
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Estimated waiting time:
Less than 1-2 minutes
A green corporate card representing the Qred VISA

Business loan

The money is paid the same day

No entry fee

No binding time

A green corporate card representing the Qred VISA

Corporate card - Qred VISA

For everyday purchases

1% cashback on all purchases

Smart expense management in the app

A green corporate card representing the Qred VISA

Savings account - For individuals

Choose between fixed and variable rates

State deposit guarantee

Currently, the variable interest rate is 4.3%.