How can we help?

Here you can read our most frequently asked questions about My Qred
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Download Power of Attorney 1
Select the power of attorney template above if you need an external person to download documentation on behalf of your company. This includes balance sheets, invoice copies, or an account compilation.
Download Power of Attorney 2
Select the power of attorney template above for other matters or if you want an external person to assist you in administration about your loan with us.

Where can I download my invoices?

On My Qred, you can download your invoices by clicking on your active loan on the home page.

You will then be taken to the "My loan" page. Click on the "View invoices" button to view and download all the invoices you have been sent and the next invoice.

On the "My Loan" page, you can also navigate to the "Payment" page by clicking on "Past due payment" (only if you have a past due payment) or "Upcoming payment" (the word "payment" is the same as "invoice"). In the "Payment" page you can also download your invoice. 

Where can I find future invoices?

You will find your next invoice on the "My loan" page.

You can get there by clicking on your active loan on the My Qred website. On this page you can see your next payment for the month and download your payment plan for your loan as a PDF file by clicking on the "Download payment plan" button.

The payment plan sets out the time schedule that you and Qred have agreed for your loan.

How do I log in to My Qred?

On the Qred website, the "Login" button is located in the top right corner of the page.

Clicking on the button will take you to the My Qred login page, where you will be asked to select your country.

In Sweden, we use BankID as a login method.

Other questions on how to log in: 

  1. What alternative login methods does Qred offer for users who do not have access to BankID?
    At the moment, you can only log in using BankID. Either on the device you are browsing on or through another device.
  2. Are there any specific requirements or preparations needed to use BankID to log in to My Qred?
    You need to download BankID to your device and activate it using your passport or other valid identification.
  3. What should I do if I have problems logging in with BankID on the My Qred platform?
    Contact us on 020-150 333 or

What is My Qred?

My Qred is a platform where you, as a loan customer of ours, can manage your Qred loan and keep track of your current and future payments.

On My Qred you can also adjust and pay off your entire loan early. You can also download invoices, your contract and your payment plan.

You will also receive notifications from Qred about important matters, for example if a payment is close to its due date. You can also easily get in touch with our customer support via chat, email or phone. 

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