A car to be sold by a car dealer

Business loans to car dealers

Applying is free and not binding
No hidden costs or start-up fees
Apply now!Apply now!

Loans to car dealers

Working as a car dealer can be difficult. Cars to buy and sell can make it difficult to maintain a steady cash flow. That's why a flexible no-strings-attached business loan can be a great solution when you're "between cars".  

Borrowing to buy a car

Take out a loan to finance the purchase of the vehicles and pay it back when you've sold! Fast, easy and secure.

How do I get a business loan as a car dealer?

Simple! You make a free and non-binding application with us at Qred. Here's how it works:

  1. Application takes 1 minute
  2. You will be notified within 1 hour
  3. The money is paid the same day

The loan has also...

  • No binding time
  • No entry fees
  • No hidden costs

What can I use a business car loan for?

Our loans are suitable for a wide range of needs and will help you run your restaurant.

  • Renovation and reconstruction
  • Purchase of vehicles and tools
  • Stocks and inventory
  • Invest in new marketing
  • Hiring and training new staff
  • Clear season peaks and slumps

At Qred, we pride ourselves on being able to help all small businesses, and especially those in the automotive sector!

Loans without UC to car dealers and car salesmen

We don't take UC from you as a private individual, but we use Creditsafe. Then only we (Qred) and you see that credit report.

The application takes only 1 minute, you receive a reply within 1 hour and the money is paid out the same day. Great, huh?

Contact us

Get in touch and let us know how we can help you and your business!
08:00 - 17:30 (Mon-Fri)
020-150 333

Estimated waiting time:
Less than 1 minute

Estimated response time:
Less than 24 hours
Chat with us!

Estimated waiting time:
Less than 1-2 minutes
A green corporate card representing the Qred VISA

Business loan

The money is paid the same day

No entry fee

No binding time

A green corporate card representing the Qred VISA

Corporate card - Qred VISA

For everyday purchases

1% cashback on all purchases

Smart expense management in the app

A green corporate card representing the Qred VISA

Savings account - For individuals

Choose between fixed and variable rates

State deposit guarantee

Currently, the variable interest rate is 4.3%.