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Here you can read our most frequently asked questions about the credit card.
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Can I pay bills and invoices with my Qred Visa?


Qred itself does not support the payment of bills and invoices with Qred VISA. However, there are services that do, if they are compatible with cards issued by VISA.

Is there a maximum or minimum amount that an invoice can be paid with Qred Visa?

There is no minimum amount that the invoice must be for. The maximum amount, however, is determined by how much you have left on your credit limit that month. For example, if we have £10,000 left on your credit limit this month, you can pay one or more invoices of up to £10,000.

When will I be able to see my payment on my credit limit?

Once we have made the payment, the amount will be deducted from your credit limit for that month.

Have you removed the possibility to pay bills and invoices with Qred VISA?

Yes, you cannot pay bills and invoices in the Qred app using the credit on your Qred VISA business card. However, you can use other similar services and the credit on your Qred VISA (if it is compatible with cards issued by VISA). In other words, we at Qred do not have that service anymore.

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